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Helmet Law Advocacy

Vote No to LB 1004

Protect Motorcycle Safety Education Requirements

We need your help again.

Sen. Ben Hansen introduced LB1004 which is designed to further reduce protections for motorcycle drivers and riders.

In 2023, the Nebraska Legislature voted to repeal the mandatory motorcycle helmet law that had been in effect for over 30 years. The law took effect on January 1, 2024. In this legislative session, Sen. Ben Hansen introduced new legislation, LB1004, removing the education requirement for riders to ride without a helmet. Safety advocates are concerned that the removal of the educational requirement will further impact the number of serious injury or fatality crashes that will occur with motorcycles on our roadways.

Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska and its partners are asking you to contact your senator and ask them to vote “NO” to LB1004. By voting “NO” to LB1004 individuals will be required to participate in motorcycle safety training before they can drive/ride without a helmet.

Talking points when emailing or calling the senators:

  • Ask the senators to vote “NO” to LB1004.
  • When communicating with the senator’s office either by email or phone briefly share:
    • Your name
    • Your address
    • Identify that you are a survivor of a brain injury, family member, or friend of a loved one with a brain injury
    • Briefly share how brain injury and/or a motorcycle accident has affected your life

If you have any questions, please contact Peggy at

Motorcycle Helmet Facts

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states:

  • All states which have weakened or repealed helmet laws have experienced an increase in fatality rates.
  • NHTSA estimates helmets are 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcycle riders and 41 percent for motorcycle passengers.
  • Motorcyclists not wearing a helmet are three times more likely to suffer brain injuries than riders wearing a helmet in a crash.
  • Nineteen states have universal motorcycle helmet laws, saving an average of $6,000 in medical costs per motorcyclist. Specifically in Nebraska, research showed a decline in total acute medical charges of 38 percent in hospital costs for injured motorcyclists after the Helmet Law was implemented.
  • Studies show that riders not wearing a helmet involved in crashes are less likely to have insurance and more likely to have higher hospital costs than riders wearing a helmet in similar crashes. 

Effects of the Michigan Helmet Law Repeal

“Repeal of the Michigan helmet law:  the evolving clinical impact” published in The American Journal of Surgery in 2016 by Striker, Rebecca H. (et. al.) found that following the repeal of the helmet law in Michigan:

  • Non-helmeted riders increased from 7% to 28%.
  • Crash scene fatalities increased from 14% to 68%.
  • In-patient mortality increased from 3% to 10%.
  • Injury severity score increased from 14.5 to 19.
  • Increase in the amount of time in the intensive care unit.
  • Increase in overall hospital costs.

An additional study completed regarding the Michigan repeal by the Highway Loss Data Institute in 2018 found:

  • The trend of head injuries from motorcycle crashes shifted after the partial repeal of a universal helmet law, with mild concussions falling to 17% and skull fractures increasing to 38%. This change in head injuries trend led to an increased need for more costly hospital services.
  • In Michigan, there was a sharp increase (64%) in medical payment overall losses coincident with the helmet law change. The losses were mainly due to the increase in claim severity, which rose 68% more than expected absent the law.
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Lincoln, NE 68542
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PO Box 22147, Lincoln, NE 68542