Returning to work is a goal that drives most survivors of brain injury through the long and difficult rehabilitation process. Yet when this goal is finally achieved, there is often difficulty adjusting to expectations of the workplace.
Disability Law Handbook
This Disability Law Handbook is a 50-page guide to the basics of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability related laws. Written in an FAQ format, The Disability Law Handbook answers questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ADA Amendments Act, the Rehabilitation Act, Social Security, the Air Carrier Access Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, and the Fair Housing Act Amendments.
Listen to the Disability Law Lowdown Podcast at
Employment after Brain Injury
Employment Information & Checklist
Mayo Clinic: Guide for Employers - Understanding Brain InjuriesThe Mayo Clinic has prepared a 28-page booklet to assist employers in this process.
Nebraska Resources
In Lincoln at 1-402-471-3644
Toll Free 1-877-637-3422 (Nebraska only) -
Nebraska Disability HotlineBrain Injury Resource and Referral Services
1-800-742-7594 V/TT (Nebraska only) 471-0801 V/TT in Lincoln or
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