Hello, my name is Leslie Taylor.
I was a long-haul truck driver. On October 14, 2013, my life changed. According to the truckers at the site, the dive I took from the cab of my semi was impressive, and I really nailed the landing! I fell from a standing position and landed on the upper left side of my face and head with an impact equal to a 9-foot fall. I was diagnosed with a closed head concussion, a traumatic brain injury.
The dark glasses that I wear help with low vision issues. At times, I use my white cane when in crowds or unknown places. Some people find it confusing that I am able to drive, but use a white cane and have issues walking. My vision is affected by the brain injury and these vision issues affect my balance and perception. The brain injury also effects my memory and comprehension. When walking, changes in my surroundings such as the wind, smells, sound and air pressure, can stop me in my tracks. You would not know from looking at me that I live with nerve damage in my hands, face, scalp, shoulders and ribs, and damage to my lower back due to the accident.
The effects of the brain injury have changed my life on every possible level. Now, I time my outings and appointments when my eyes are working the best. I have always loved to read. It takes me so much longer to get through a book, and because of the short-term memory loss, I do not retain the information like I did before the accident. Two months after I finish a book I can read again and it will be like a brand-new story for me which means I will never run out of something to read, right?
I am still working to resolve my case with the Work Comp carrier and my past employer. I filed for SSDI and Social Security around March 2014 and won the award March 2017. The benefits through SSDI have helped to ease my financial burden with the monthly benefits of cash for bills and medical coverage.
It has been over six years since my accident. I have to say that my life is nothing like I want it to be and each day is still a struggle. Some things have become easier the longer I use my new bags of “tricks” as I call my new tools. These new tools have helped a lot but I will also need to keep finding new tools to continue adjusting to the new me and my new life style. I still have times of feeling alone – just as most folks do. I have lost contact with some of my old friends just as I have made contact with some new friends. All my friends, old and new, are helping me on my new adventures. I am sharing my story with you knowing I am just one of thousands in this state living with the effects of a brain injury. Each one has a story, is on an adventure of their very own. Each has their own ‘bag of tricks’ to help that adventure be a positive one. Just as I am. I am NOT alone and I’m fighting for awareness, not only of myself, but for all Nebraskans. After all, I do have a voice. I am not a victim of any system and that IS empowering!