Provide Hope to Families Facing the Unknown

On May 25, 2022, Ashley Hansen and her family’s lives changed forever. 

It was that day, that Ashley and her husband Tony received a call that their 15-year-old son, Carson, and their 6-year-old daughter, Lilly, were in a horrific car accident on their way to summer Bible study. 

A semi-truck had struck their Chevy Malibu mere inches away from the passenger door where Lilly sat–injuring both Lilly and Carson. Of the two children’s injuries, Carson’s were the most severe–suffering a severe traumatic brain injury as well as injuries to his face. 

Carson lying in a hospital bed after the accident. Lilly sitting next to Carson holding his hand.

In days, weeks, and after the injury, Ashley and her family faced a lot of unknowns. 

What caused the accident? 

How would the children be affected by the accident and their injuries? 

What would this injury mean for Carson? 

What would recovery look like? 

Yet, in the midst of all this, Ashley and Tony were grateful. In the moments they needed it most, the Hansen family received acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity from family, friends, and even strangers! 

These Gestures of Generosity gave the Hansen family hope to face the unknowns. From connecting with a stranger who’d experienced an injury similar to Carson's to the support and assistance from family and friends with looking after Lilly or completing a house project, these gestures helped the Hansens continue on Carson’s road to recovery. 

Across Nebraska, there are many families and individuals like Carson and his family. People who are facing unknowns about brain injury and the road forward. 

You can help. 

Your Generous Gesture will help provide education, resources, and support for individuals and families like the Hansens as they navigate and adjust to life after a brain injury. 

Please consider donating to the Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska and making a Generous Gesture today!

Give a Generous Gesture & Support Families Facing Unknowns from a Brain Injury

Potential Impacts of Your Donation

A donation of any size helps us connect with individuals and families affected by a brain injury and support them as they navigate through changes and issues related to a brain injury. However, here are some ways that your donations can have a tangible impact.

  • $50 provides one hour of intake and information services for an individual or family affected by brain injury. 
  • $100 teaches parents, athletes, coaches, and educators how to recognize and manage a concussion properly. 
  • $150 helps us connect and refer individuals to local, state, and federal programs and services. 
  • $200 provides up to four hours of case management services for individuals and families affected by a brain injury.