Ignite Growth and Inspire Change with Your Gift!

As 2022 ends, we can’t help but talk about growth. This past year, we’ve seen and experienced growth in many ways. From expanding our staff in late 2021 to seeing the people we serve reach new milestones, it’s been an incredible year of growth!

Photo of Jason and his wife Lori.

Jason and his wife Lori.

Jason Hansen has experienced an amazing amount of growth over the years since his injury in 1996 when he had a car accident on a Kansas back road. As a result of his crash, Jason had severe injuries to his body and a traumatic brain injury. In the immediate aftermath of waking from a 2-week long coma, he suffered from severe anxiety and fear, all while being plagued by short-term memory issues and mounting frustration. 

Yet, Jason didn’t let that stop him and began setting goals for his recovery to keep pushing himself forward. First was relearning to walk and how to compensate for balance issues resulting from the injuries he sustained. As he progressed, so did Jason’s goals, moving from getting out of a wheelchair and onto crutches, to playing a round of golf–which he did (on crutches, no less!)

This growth wasn’t without its hardships, however, as Jason faced the reality of not being able to continue in his former career in law enforcement due to the anxiety caused by his brain injury and problems with his ankle from the accident. He also experienced a divorce during this time. Despite all this, Jason continued to grow. 

Four years after his accident, Jason got a Commercial Driver’s License and then worked as a driver in various capacities for the next 15 years. Over that period of time, Jason worked on rebuilding his confidence–reading many books and putting that knowledge to use in building himself back up.

Now, Jason is remarried and owns a financial planning business in North Platte, where he helps people plan for their future and build valuable money-related skills. He recently met one of our Resource Facilitators and shared his story with us in hopes that it helps make a difference in the lives of those who have survived a brain injury. 

Through the support and generosity of people like you, moments of growth like these happen. With 2023 nearly here, we aim to grow and continue to provide quality support and resources to individuals and families across Nebraska who’ve been affected by brain injury. These funds will further our goal to create system change and capacity by developing community support networks for brain injury throughout the state. 

Will you ignite growth and inspire change by donating today?

$50 provides one hour of intake and information services for an individual or family affected by brain injury. 

$100 teaches parents, athletes, coaches, and educators how to recognize and manage a concussion properly. 

$150 helps us connect and refer individuals to local, state, and federal programs and services.